Wednesday, March 18, 2009

preschool pictures!

Logan had spring pictures taken at preschool a few weeks ago. He was less than thrilled with the shirt he is wearing, thanks to his dad. Steve jokingly asked if i bought the shirt in the girls department, because it thought it looked kind of girly. well, Logan over heard and threw a huge fit because he didn't want to wear a girl's shirt! (Keep in mind this is also the same kid who spilled apple juice all over himself at Raidan's house and had to wear some of her clothes while his dried. He picked out pink velour sweatpants & a white and black rhinestoned shirt.) Anyways, his bad mood from the morning apparently carried over until picture time, his smile isn't quite as big as it was in the fall. He's still adorable though :). Hopefully I can get his class picture scanned and posted too, its a classic - Logan is not smiling AT ALL, the kid next to him is making an incredibly silly face. One little girl is on the verge of tears, and another girl is apparently trying to hide her face behind the teacher.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures still turned out good. He looks so grown up.

    P.S. I went blog crazy today with pictures and stories from Cody's visit.
