Friday, January 9, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things.

One of my favorite parts of being a mom is listening to my son. there are times i wish i could strap a video camera on his head so i could record everything and never miss a moment.

during the summer we are always spending time out on the deck bbqing and spending time with our closest friends. one evening we had just sat down to eat, and logan asked for a glass of milk. i handed it to him, and without any hesitation he looked at emilie and said "is this breast milk?" you could tell he wasn't trying to be funny, he was asking a completely serious question. i was completely caught off guard, so of course my first reaction what "what did you just say?" great, christina. ask him to repeat something he probably shouldn't have said in the first place. instead of repeating what he said, he apparently thought he had said a naughty word, so he sheepishly said "boob milk?" obvisouly he was spending too much time listening to the grown-ups at daycare...

the three of us love camping during the summer. i suppose camping just wouldn't be camping if something didn't go wrong on each trip. the 2nd time we went camping with Logan, which was Labor Day weekend, 2007. Logan was a little over 2 at the time, and just learning how to explore absolutely everything he wasn't familiar with. which included the grill. sure enough, in a split second logan walked right up to the hot grill and put his index finger on the outside, and burnt the crap out of his poor little finger. he handled it much better than i did. it blistered up, but after hanging on to a cold can of soda for awhile his spirits healed up, and his fascination with his new "owie" started. every 5 minutes we heard "look at my owie" or "i have an owie." not only did steve & i hear about it for MONTHS, but so did every other person logan was around. including train conducters when we rode Thomas the Train, and grochery store clerks, and perfect strangers. He was pretty shy about talking to new people, but it was a completely different story when he came to sharing his owie. this went on, litterly, for months. long after any traces of his owie remained. even to this day if we talk about not touching grills or anything hot he'll say "you can't do that cuz you'll get an owie, like this one.... right here...."

some kids are storytellers, some kids act things out, some kids sing. logan sings. he won't sing on command, but he loves to sing when he thinks no one is listening, mostly when he's in the bathroom. most are normal preschool songs, Twinkle Twinkle or Row Row Boat, and not-so-normal songs for a toddler. Like "Brand New Girlfriend" by Steve Holy & "Whatever You Like" by T.I. Logan absolutely loved listening to "Brand New Girlfriend", to the extent that I actually made him his own copy of a cd with nothing except that song on it, so he could listen to it over and over and over. He can't sing the whole thing, but its just as cute to hear him sing "i godda bran new girlfriend, we really jumped down the deep end...hoochie cooo..." i asked him once if he had a girlfriend yet, and he said "no, not yet, i still gotta get one." "actually, i'll probably get a whole bunch, like this many (holding up 10 fingers)."

and last but not least, proof that my innocent little boy isn't a baby anymore... (he's going to be so angry with me when i show this picture to EVERYONE when he graduates!)

1 comment:

  1. He looks so Big! I can't get over it. I know I just saw him and he looked big in person, but in photos he looks older.
